
Point Level detection and continuous level measurement in interface applications.


Real World Example

Interface level measurement is common across a variety of industries. Whether its water and oil or two completely different chemicals, some liquids don’t mix. The higher density liquid will sink to the bottom while the lighter, less dense liquid floats to the top. The point or level at which these two meet is called the interface. Ideally, there are two distinct layers, however a third layer commonly referred to as an emulsion or rag layer often exist. This emulsion/rag layer is a mixture of both liquids. An emulsion layer can vary in density, leading to inaccuracies in level measurement. This variance in density can fool an instrument, leading it to think it’s measuring the upper or lower layer when in fact it’s measuring the emulsion layer.

There is never one instrument that will work in all interface applications so consideration should be given to each individual application.

Point Level Switches with HALAR coated probes have proven successful and can be utilized to control a dump valve. The HALAR coated probe gives the user the ability to distinguish the emulsion layer as either the upper or lower level, depending upon their preferences or desired outcome.

An LTM Magnetostrictive transmitter provides continuous level measurement of the interface level in clean fluids. Dual float configuration can be used to monitor interface and total level.

Industries: Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Refining and Chemical

Suggested Products


Point Level Switch for oil/water interface detection.

  • Simple, reliable, low cost solution
  • Easy installation and calibration
  • No moving parts to get stuck, wear out or fall off
  • Excellent replacement for floats or other mechanical devices

» Product Information



Remote Mounted Point Level Switch for oil/water interface detection.

  • Simple, reliable, low cost solution
  • Can be mounted up to one mile away
  • Easy installation and calibration
  • No moving parts to get stuck, wear out or fall off

» Product Information

LTM-350 Magnetostrictive Transmitter

Continuous level measurement of interface level in clean fluids.

  • High resolution 4/20mA output
  • HART or FOUNDATION Fieldbus
  • Dual float configuration for total and interface level

» Product Information

These are general product recommendations. A coated probe is recommended for all interface applications. For specific recommendations or help choosing the best instrument for your application, contact the factory directly or your local Babbitt representative.

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